Foro Sella, a platform for reflection on economic and social development, has announced Mike Berners-Lee, a professor at the University of Lancaster and bestselling author of books like “There is no Planet B” and “How Bad are Bananas?”, as the keynote speaker for its upcoming innovation event in industrial energy management. This renowned expert in carbon footprint and environmental impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) will kick off the event with a presentation that promises to change the way we understand energy management in the digital age.

Mike Berners-Lee’s conference will address the energy management of ICT companies and data centers, sectors that are often overlooked in sustainability discussions. His approach is not to label any industry as good or bad in terms of environmental impact but to lay the foundation for analyzing energy management in all industries from a sustainable and innovative perspective.

Professor Berners-Lee is known for his critical and insightful vision in his analysis of the environmental implications of our daily actions. In his bestseller “There is no Planet B,” he reveals how our daily decisions contribute to climate change and how we can take effective steps to address this issue. With his expertise, he will provide valuable insights into how ICT companies can minimize their environmental impact and promote more sustainable practices.

One aspect that Professor Berners-Lee will highlight in his presentation is the strategic choice of locating ICT companies and industrial hubs in areas with high availability of green energy, as could be the case in Aragón, the host of Foro Sella, where renewable energy generation is exceptionally high. This choice is crucial to reduce the carbon footprint and promote the transition to cleaner energy sources. In this regard, Aragón becomes an example of a region that fosters sustainability in the industrial sector.

Foro Sella provides a platform where internationally renowned experts like Mike Berners-Lee can share their knowledge and insights with a diverse audience interested in the energy management of industrial companies. This conference promises to be a unique opportunity to learn, debate, and collaborate in the quest for solutions for a cleaner and more environmentally-friendly future.

Those attending the upcoming Foro Sella event will be able to engage in critical conversations, for example, about the electrical grid, necessary for industrial companies and consumers in general to access renewable energy sources. This event is a call to action, a reminder that we can all play a significant role in creating a greener and more sustainable world.